Firm Grip


Firm Grip

Firm Grip

work by Casey Ausman & Dylan Hurwitz


Sex and death, love and loss are the intense punctuation marks dotting our days on this earth, but the vast majority of our time is spent the interstitial: the everyday intimacy of making food, checking our social media feeds, transporting our bodies through space or lying entangled in the body of another.

In the comings and goings of our lives we can orient ourselves in the first person but also in others, becoming grounded again through a concrete corporeality of skin and bone, of muscles in motion.

The paint and paper images in Firm Grip play with the familiar pieces of everyday life, whether it’s in the first person actions crammed tightly into frame by Dylan Hurwitz, or the bits of bodies transmogrified into what feel like the paper-dolls of an alternate universe from Casey Ausman. While all of these images are deliberately constructed, they revel in the messiness of the real, the blurry amalgam of our interstitial moments played back in fast forward. The mess is yours and mine. We are drawn to it, and each other.


Opening Reception: Friday November 4th, 2016, 6pm-8:30pm






with sounds by Molly Rennie, visuals by Austin Carrier, food by Teagan Lerhmann, and interactive components by Dyllan Nguyen.

MELD Project features another immersive and interactive event to bring together a community with local foods and exhibited art, featuring sounds by Molly Rennie, visuals by Austin Carrier, food by Teagan Lerhmann, and interactive components by Dyllan Nguyen. Learn more about MELD on their website, and social media @meldproject, #meldproject.


Opening Reception: Friday October 7th, 2016, 6pm-8:30pm



Second Skin - Opening Night


Second Skin - Opening Night

Thanks to everyone who came out for the opening of Second Skin - it was a fantastic show with sculptural works from Blake Hiltunen and site-specific video works from Cristobal Cea. 

Check out the photos from opening night and the statement about the work:

The objects and images from Cristobal Cea and Blake Hiltunen appear as if they have passed from our reality into another space only to return again: back from the dead, their original bodies reconfigured. What was once flat, clean, or constant is now crumpling, disrupted. The forms come back to us from this other place twisting like a car wreck or as fine fabrics carefully staged for a lost Neoclassical painting. Potential energy is converted into contracting or expanding volumes, masses displaced.


These dreamlike reflections of our rigid material world transmogrified into a pliable skin, suggest that what we believe to be solid and lasting is far from it. Our shared delusion of stability is present in our built world of contiguous surfaces, flat planes, and right angles.  

The earth spins, tectonic plates move- the sand shifts beneath our feet whether we feel it or not. We may luck into a rare moment of heightened perception when we sense the swirling of something beyond the surface, sublime currents sweeping us along.


Second Skin


Second Skin

Second Skin

work by Blake Hiltunen & Cristobal Cea

The objects and images from Cristobal Cea and Blake Hiltunen appear as if they have passed from our reality into another space only to return again: back from the dead, their original bodies reconfigured. What was once flat, clean, or constant is now crumpling, disrupted. The forms come back to us from this other place twisting like a car wreck or as fine fabrics carefully staged for a lost Neoclassical painting. Potential energy is converted into contracting or expanding volumes, masses displaced.

These dreamlike reflections of our rigid material world transmogrified into a pliable skin, suggest that what we believe to be solid and lasting is far from it. Our shared delusion of stability is present in our built world of contiguous surfaces, flat planes, and right angles.  

The earth spins, tectonic plates move- the sand shifts beneath our feet whether we feel it or not. We may luck into a rare moment of heightened perception when we sense the swirling of something beyond the surface, sublime currents sweeping us along.

Opening Reception: Friday September 2nd, 2016, 6pm-8:30pm
