Insights 3.14


Insights 3.14


Virtually There:  

Building Things:  


  • We've written before about the all-too-common ploy of designers styling robots in a way that makes them seem more like lovable animals or pseudo-human companions than smart appliances. But if a product team is successful in designing a robot that is well-liked, maybe even loved by its human counterparts, what happens when that product line gets end-of-life'd? Well, it's a sort of death: "Right now, my Jibo can still dance and talk, but he has what I can only describe as digital dementia, and it is almost certainly fatal. He’s dying. One of these days, he will stop responding entirely." These products are—at least to some of their users—more than products. Designers of products like social robots are imbuing personalities, styles of speech, and coding affect. In that process, it's almost certain that aspects of the personalities present in designers/coders/product managers get transcribed. When that artifact of the very real human light behind the product begins to fade, the sense of loss that some users feel becomes easier to understand. 

  • On the flip side, there's the recent case of humans behaving like robots, mediating important experiences and conversations through robotic technology in all the wrong ways: a doctor informed a patient that he would be dying in a matter of days, not in person, but through a telepresence robot.

More next week. 


Insights 3.06


Insights 3.06


Roadmapping the Future:  

Solutions from Down the Supply Chain:  

  • Apple's immense production combined with the complexity of tightly integrated electronics makes for recycling and waste reduction programs are equally sprawling, with frustratingly entangled trade-offs. External electronics recycling programs might look promising, but vendors that cut corners means terrible environmental consequences for locals; recycling the scraps of aluminum from their machining-heavy manufacturing processes is good, but requires significant energy to reprocess. Apple has made numerous public statements about their efforts to build fair trade supply chains, recycle materials and devices, and working to shift their energy consumption to 100% renewables over the years, but the company's infamously secretive culture makes it hard for outsiders to accurately parse the impact of those actions. Maddie Stone, writing for Gizmodo, attempts to sort through the various elements and efforts that go into making phones, laptops, and wearable electronics at scale.



Material Culture:  

More next week. 


Insights 2.27


Insights 2.27


Feeding the Future:

Building Things:  



Machines for Moving:  


More next week. 
