

Building Things:



  • The New Yorker takes a look at software and robotics devouring jobs and disrupting economies. There's a lot of familiar ideas and data in the piece, but enough good analysis, interesting anecdotes and clever writing to make it worth a read. Lines like "Picture the entire Industrial Revolution compressed into the lifespan of a beagle" stand out as instances of a writer flexing their uniquely human mind to stay ahead of the automation onslaught. 
  • For the nerdier, dirtier, deeper dive into what's happening with remapping human / machine relationships in labor and automation, here's a talk from Leif Jentoft of RightHand Robotics, discussing the high costs of system integrators (an aspect seldom mentioned in media coverage of automation tech outside of industry publications) as well and how human behavior encourages spending on predictable robotic solutions (e.g. significantly higher absenteeism following a major sports event or over a weekend). 


Just a Game: 


Roadmapping the Future: 

  • Voice-driven interfaces are growing fast, and Amazon has a strong lead with over 6 million U.S. homes using some version of it's Alexa-enabled Echo products. While millennials are parodied as a screen addicted, hyper-socially networked generation, future generations might be known for a more hermetic flavor of consumer solipsism. If it gets us further away from advertising and attention economies, maybe that's not a bad thing. 


More next week. 
